You depend on your notes to keep track of everything, but your thoughts are spread out across a mess of journals, apps, and random scraps of paper.

The ideas are practically spilling out of your head — yet whenever you want to revisit that one specific insight, it's impossible to find. Nothing is more annoying to you than having no idea where you put some writing or what information it holds. You need somewhere you can trust to hold your notes; the idea of letting something useful be forgotten is horrifying to you. But you're afraid your notes will just end up another jumbled heap that takes forever to sort through and understand.

Maybe you've tried other note-taking apps, but they never quite seemed to fit you. You diligently moved your notes over, used them to record anything and everything, but whenever you went to look things up it was like looking at someone else's mind, not your own. For you, that wasn't good enough; you're not satisfied unless it feels like it's your own personal knowledge, your own personal workflow.

What if you had a visual map of your data that let you instantly find any piece of information you need? You wouldn't let someone else decide the layout of your house. In the same way, you should be the one in control of how your data is displayed; you should be in control of the layout of your mind.

Wouldn't it be nice if every idea came out of your head fully-formed, pristine, and airtight? But sometimes it's all vague, jumbled. It feels like it could lead somewhere, but right now it's just an incoherent blob. You're never sure how to categorize these thoughts, and they either end up in the wrong place or left on the floor. What if you had a place where all your thoughts could live, both for the thoughts that are fully considered, and the thoughts that... aren't yet? Where all the avenues for exploration are obvious before you? Where you know you'll give every fruitful seed the consideration it deserves?

You know better than anyone that great ideas come from anywhere. They strike at any time, any place. But instead of finding inspiration, you notice yourself falling into the same patterns of thought, going over the same mental paths over and over again. You're worried about getting stuck in an understanding that's comfortable, but a dead end. You've already got so much to learn, and you have to generate fresh perspectives on top of that?

It's not enough to have only a superficial understanding of something. The problem is, you've got more things to think about than you've got attention. You want to give every thread the attention it deserves, but life has other plans. You end up distracted by a new shiny, or something urgent drags you away. By the time your attention is no longer needed elsewhere, the old train of thought is long forgotten, never to be returned to again.

What if you could always keep track of your trains of thought and what their context was? You could immediately dive back into them, and generate real insights.

What if you could see things from a new angle with a click of a button? Easily rearrange and reorganize your notes to find connections that you hadn't considered.

What if you could spend more time actually thinking deeply, instead of thinking about what to think about?

Sound interesting? Chiralis is for you. Map your thoughts. See your curiosity, connected. Try Chiralis for free, as long as you want. When it comes time to do some heavy thinking, it's easy to upgrade. Even if you cancel your plan, you'll never lose access to the data you already have.